Who are you? Where are you going? Who should know about this? Why is it relevant?

In the field of brand and corporate identities, it has long been accepted that a clearly tangible identity, a distinct characterisation, a localisation of a product or an organisation is the basis for the establishment of relationships.
Angel Ramírez has transferred this knowledge to systemic coaching and organisational development processes, generating Verortung as a method.
Learning from brands
Verortung is not about brand identity or corporate identities. These are areas of corporate communication and a correspondingly comprehensive communication design. Nevertheless, we can transfer much of the processes that lead to such identities to Organisational Development and make it richer as a result. Basic questions within a branding process are: Who are you? Where do you want to go? Who should know about this? Why is it relevant? These questions should also be answered by teams and larger structures.
A combination of Organisational Development and positioning, rooted in Systems Thinking
A leader, a team, any company are experienced and experience themselves. If there is a good match between the self-image and the external image, we speak of congruence. In this case, we receive reactions from our environment that we understand and that fit our expectations. We experience the results of our actions and our cooperation with others as satisfying. Systems Coaching and Organisational Development intervene where this congruence does not exist. Tools from brand positioning complement the repertoire of formats on the path of successfully leading change processes and strengthening leadership and teams. It is precisely this mixture of tools that makes Verortung stand out.
Lern more.
Verortung is active in the following core areas.
Leran more about the work of Angel Ramírez on Team-Development, Leadership, Agility, Change-Management and his facilitation of Diversity.